From shared transit systems to common borders, the Bay Area is physically interconnected, contributing to a mobile homeless population. As a result, several key challenges related to location are shared across all Bay Area communities. In order to end homelessness, communication and coordination across communities are important components to the Bay Area’s response.
Cross-sector Collaboration
Sonoma County
Sonoma County’s Accessing Coordinated Care and Empowering Self Sufficiency (ACCESS), is a cross-sector collaboration program that integrates services and care management, enabling technology, and braided funding to achieve better outcomes for the clients they serve. The backbone of the program is an Interdepartmental Multi-Disciplinary Team that shares data, funding, and a sense of collective responsibility for mutual clients. Departments involved in ACCESS include Health Services, Human Services, Child Services, the Community Development Commission (Housing), and Justice.
Alameda County
Alameda County’s Social Health Information Exchange is both a community of organizations sharing data under a set of agreements (i.e. according to federal and state regulations) and a data platform that keeps data secure, manages who can see what, and matches identity when different data streams describe one person.
Homebase and California Health Care Foundation’s new report, outlines many cross-sector collaborations between health care and homeless systems of care to improve health and housing options for local residents.
Public Dashboards
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa County hosts a Coronavirus Overview Dashboard that displays publicly available metrics about county metrics, including cases data, location, and testing.
San Francisco County
San Francisco County hosts a Coronavirus Dashboard that provides data, as well as health orders and other directives.
Cross-county Collaborations
Bay Area Council’s Committee on Homelessness
The Bay Area Council’s Committee on Homelessness convenes homelessness sector, researchers, and business leaders (including the healthcare sector) to identify and move forward on shared policy priorities.
All Home Regional Impact Council
The All Home Regional Impact Council is an 18-month initiative focused on rapid responses to unsheltered homelessness (phase 1) and structural/systems changes to provide economic and social mobility for working poor Bay Area residents (phase 2).
BARHII is a collective of county health departments specifically focused on equity that could be a model for coordination between county homelessness departments as a substitute for regional governance. Homebase and BARHII hosted the Racial Equity Action Lab, which was open to all Bay Area communities
Bay Area Housing and Finance Authority
The Bay Area Housing and Finance Authority (BAHFA) brings cross-sector government bodies together to leverage state policy channels into creating regional funding pools for affordable housing development.
In partnership with Tipping Point, the Bay Area Regional Working Group on Homelessness, and other stakeholders, Homebase‘s Framework for Regional Data Sharing Report outlines next steps to create a Bay Area Regional Data Sharing System.
Homebase hosts biweekly COVID coordination calls between the nine Bay Area communities. Topics covered include vaccination strategies, Project Homekey grants, and general system-wide planning.
The Homebase’s Bay Area Unsheltered Action Lab is a free training opportunity for volunteer groups in the Bay Area focused on building administrative capacity and building collective knowledge about non-traditional approaches to serving individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness. In 2021, the Action Lab included groups from five communities.
Regional Philanthropy
Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network
The Bay Area Homelessness Funders Network aligns philanthropy to advance racial equity and regional coordination in preventing and ending homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Partnership for the Bay’s Future
The Partnership for the Bay’s Future works to increase affordable housing and ensure vibrant communities of racial equity and economic inclusion. As part of this work, they are committed to alleviating homelessness and are currently looking into their role on this in the region.