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An Interconnected Region: Homelessness in the Bay Area
A Project of Homebase
Bay Area Homelessness
Interconnected Region
Siloed Systems to Respond to Homelessness
Who is Homeless in the Bay Area
Challenges in the Bay Area
Limited Connections for Siloed Systems of Care
Finite Resources and a Growing Need
Disproportionate Impact of Homelessness on Black, Indigenous and Hispanic/Latin(a)(o)(x) Communities
Bureaucratic Complexities and Administrative Burdens of Funding Streams
Systemic Racism
Bay Area Bright Spots
Unsheltered Service Interventions
Shelter Interventions
Strengthening and Expanding Supportive Housing
Preventing Homelessness
Increasing Affordable Housing
Emerging Efforts
Communications and coordination across systems, including through data sharing
Systems Change
Centering people with lived expertise
Research Methodology
Bay Area CoCs
Youth Action Boards – Best Practices and Implementation Guidance for YHDP Communities
Racial Equity Cohort Flyer
Action Menu for Racial Equity Action Lab
Landlord Engagement Slides CenCal Roundtable
The Business Case For Partnering With Public Housing Agencies To Serve Homeless
Landlord Engagement Flyer
Logic Model Winter Shelter
CHAP Guidelines from City Website
Santa Rosa Homeless Encampment Assistance Pilot (HEAP) Program Case Study 6.25.18
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